9 Scientifically-Proven Benefits of Saying Thank You

Do you consider yourself to be a grateful person and say “thank you” regularly? If so, you likely are already seeing the benefits.

Here are 9 of our favorite reasons to adopt an attitude of gratitude:

  1. It can help you win new friends. A 2014 study found that saying thank you to a new acquaintance will make them more likely to seek an ongoing friendship with you.

  2. It can improve your physical health. Grateful people are more likely to identify as healthy, participate in healthy activities and actively seek care for health concerns, according to a 2013 study.

  3. It can have a positive impact on your psychological health. The same study showed that being thankful increases happiness and reduces depression.

  4. It enhances empathy. A 2012 study showed that those who are grateful are better able to understand and share the feelings of another person.

  5. It reduces aggression. Giving thanks has been found to lower daily aggression, hurt feelings and overall sensitivity.

  6. It can help you sleep better. Practicing gratitude has been shown to lead to longer and more restful sleep.

  7. It improves your self-esteem. Those who practice regular gratitude rated themselves as having higher self-esteem in a 2011 study.

  8. It increases your mental strength. A 2006 study showed that Vietnam War Veterans with higher levels of gratitude experienced lower rates of PTSD.

  9. It can help you live a happier life. A 2011 study found that people who practice regular gratitude have higher levels of satisfaction in life.