Don't Slow Down at the Finish Line

I wish I could do it for you. I really do. But I can't.

I can educate you with the knowledge about why a regular walking practice is so very important, and impactful, to your health and wellness.

I can provide you with tools to help you track, measure and improve your performance.

I can remind you that you are worth a 30-minute daily investment and that you will be a better partner, parent and person if you take that time for you.

I can promise you a tangible piece of Wearable Inspiration so you have something concrete to strive for and to earn.

But I can't lace up your sneakers for you. I can't close the computer and walk away for 30 minutes when there are still emails to be answered (because there are always emails to be answered). I can't set your alarm to wake up 30 minutes early, I can't block your social media for two hours and I can't get inside of your mind and quiet the self-defeating voices.

But you can. I know you can. Because I have seen it over and over and over again. Women grabbing hold of their lives and making changes. Light bulbs going off telling women they are worth it and they do deserve their own unique happiness. I've seen hundreds of women walk their way to better.

Yes, you will stumble on this journey. Yes, you will turn off the alarm and roll over. Yes, there will be a voice in your head telling you some variation of "you're not worth it" "you don't have time" "why bother, you've failed before" or, my personal favorite (and I'm working on it) "you suck."

If you go in knowing you will sometimes stumble, then you must also know that when you do, you simply have to get back up and keep moving forward.